CakePHP is a very popular open source PHP framework which provides extremely fast construction, an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining and deploying web applications. CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers to write less code. CakePHP is a development Framework of PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like Model-View-Controller (MVC), Active Record, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller. Better web applications can be developed by CakePHP which would not only make the application development unique but also makes the complete website as per its designs and structure. In the fast growing world it is essential for web developers to expand their skills and minimize the lengthy coding. So CakePHP offers tools and logic specific to the application and saves a lot repetition in coding thus coder need not to reinvent same coding in new project. CakePHP is very fast and easy to install. Installation process is download a copy of CakePHP, configure web server to handle PHP if necessary and checking file permissions.
Some basic features of CakePHP are:

•  Model, View, Controller Architecture
•  Application scaffolding
•  Code generation via Bake
•  Helpers for HTML, forms, pagination, AJAX, JavaScript, XML, RSS and more
•  Access control lists and authentication
•  Simple yet extensive validation of model data
•  Router for mapping urls and handling extensions
•  Email, cookie, security, session and request handler components
•  Utility classes for working with files, folders, arrays and more
•  Active, friendly community
•  Flexible licensing
•  Compatible with versions 4 and 5 of PHP
•  Integrated CRUD for database interaction
•  Flexible caching
•  Localization
•  Works from any web site directory with little to no Apache configuration involved.

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